Hi, what are some servants, shopkeepers, or slaves in Ancient Rome?

excuse me i meant WHO.


Read through many of these articles and make notes of the types of PEOPLE who lived at that time.

Let us know what you discover.

In Ancient Rome, there were various roles and positions filled by servants, shopkeepers, and slaves. Let's take a look at some of them:

1. **Servants**:
- *Familia urbana*: These were domestic servants who worked in wealthy Roman households. They included housemaids, butlers, cooks, and gardeners, among others.
- *Ager publicus*: This term referred to the slaves or freedmen who worked on large agricultural estates owned by the Roman state or wealthy landowners.

2. **Shopkeepers**:
- *Tabernarii*: These were small-scale shopkeepers who operated in tabernae, small shops or stalls commonly found in the streets of Roman cities. They sold various goods, such as food, clothing, or household items.
- *Mercatores*: These were more affluent shopkeepers who engaged in long-distance trade and owned larger shops or warehouses.

3. **Slaves**: Slavery played a significant role in Ancient Rome, and slaves were an essential part of the Roman economy. Slavery in Rome encompassed various roles, including:
- *Domestic slaves*: These were household slaves who performed tasks such as cooking, cleaning, childcare, and personal services for their owners.
- *Agricultural slaves*: These slaves worked on large agricultural estates, known as latifundia, cultivating crops or tending to animals.
- *Mine slaves*: Slaves were forced to work in Roman mines, extracting precious metals and minerals.
- *Gladiators*: Though not all gladiators were slaves, many were prisoners of war or individuals sold into slavery specifically for this purpose.

To find more specific examples, you can study ancient texts, historical records, and archaeological evidence. Ancient Roman literature, such as the works of Pliny the Elder or Seneca the Younger, often mention these roles, offering insights into the daily life and occupations of people in Ancient Rome. Additionally, exploring archaeological sites, such as Pompeii or Herculaneum, can reveal artifacts and structures that provide further information about the lives and occupations of individuals in Ancient Rome.