Which one of the following ideas will NOT help children to feel personal owernership in their classroom?

What following?

kids need to feel ownership of their lives before they can feel ownership of school, and then ownership of classroom and their work.

To determine which idea will NOT help children feel personal ownership in their classroom, we need to examine each idea and identify the one that does not promote such a connection. Here are the options:

1. Allowing children to decorate their own desks and personal spaces.
2. Giving students the opportunity to choose class rules and consequences collectively.
3. Encouraging students to participate in decision-making processes when it comes to classroom activities and projects.
4. Implementing reward systems based on individual achievements and effort.

To find the idea that does not help children feel personal ownership in their classroom, we should evaluate each option:

1. Allowing children to decorate their own desks and personal spaces: This idea promotes personalization and allows students to have ownership over their immediate surroundings. It gives them a sense of autonomy and responsibility, which can contribute to cultivating a personal connection with their classroom.

2. Giving students the opportunity to choose class rules and consequences collectively: This idea involves students in decision-making processes related to establishing rules and consequences, which fosters a sense of ownership and accountability. It makes them active participants in shaping the classroom environment.

3. Encouraging students to participate in decision-making processes when it comes to classroom activities and projects: This idea empowers students and involves them in determining the direction of their learning. By giving them a say in the classroom activities and projects, they have a greater sense of ownership and investment in their education.

4. Implementing reward systems based on individual achievements and effort: This idea acknowledges and celebrates individual accomplishments and effort. It creates a sense of personal ownership by recognizing and rewarding the students' dedication and hard work, motivating them to take ownership of their learning.

After analyzing all the options, it appears that there is no idea that will NOT help children feel personal ownership in their classroom. All of the given ideas promote different aspects of personal ownership and engagement in the learning environment.