I need help on the worksheet of what do you get if a bunch of bad guys fall into the ocean worksheet. I don't want the answer I want help on the problems.

Can you show me how to do problem P (B, then N)?

Sure! I'll be glad to help you with the problems on your worksheet without directly giving you the answers. Here's an approach you can take to work on the problems:

1. Read the problem: Start by carefully reading each problem to understand what is being asked. Identify any important information or clues provided in the problem statement.

2. Identify the required operation: Determine which mathematical operation(s) you need to use to solve the problem. For example, addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

3. Set up the problem: Write down the given information and variables involved in the problem. You can use letters or symbols to represent unknowns, if necessary.

4. Formulate an equation or expression: Based on the given information and the required operation, create an equation or an expression that represents the problem mathematically. This step may involve combining variables, applying formulas, or using known mathematical relationships.

5. Solve the problem: Apply your mathematical skills to solve the equation or expression you formulated. Use appropriate strategies and techniques, such as mental math, pencil and paper, or using a calculator, depending on the complexity of the problem.

6. Check your answer: After finding a solution, double-check your work by reviewing the problem statement and ensuring that your answer makes sense within the context of the problem. If possible, verify your solution using another method or approach.

By following these steps, you can systematically approach each problem, understanding the concepts involved and developing problem-solving skills along the way. Remember, the process of solving problems is as important as finding the correct answer!

If you have any specific problems from your worksheet that you'd like guidance on, feel free to provide them, and I'll assist you further with step-by-step explanations.

A Crime Wave!!

A crime wave

this did not help