Donald works 1 and 3/4 hour a day at a book store. if he is paid $7 a day, how much money will he make in 5 days?



To find out how much money Donald will make in 5 days, we first need to calculate his daily earnings.

Donald works for 1 and 3/4 hours each day, which can be written as 1.75 hours. His pay rate is $7 per day.

To calculate his hourly rate, we divide his daily earnings ($7) by the number of hours he works in a day (1.75):

Hourly rate = $7 / 1.75 hours
Hourly rate = $4

Now that we know his hourly rate, we can calculate how much money he will make in 5 days.

Total earnings in 5 days = Hourly rate * Total hours worked in 5 days

Since Donald works for 1 and 3/4 hours each day, the total hours worked in 5 days is 1.75 hours/day * 5 days:

Total hours worked in 5 days = 1.75 hours/day * 5 days
Total hours worked in 5 days = 8.75 hours

Now we can calculate his total earnings in 5 days by multiplying his hourly rate by the total hours worked in 5 days:

Total earnings in 5 days = Hourly rate * Total hours worked in 5 days
Total earnings in 5 days = $4/hour * 8.75 hours
Total earnings in 5 days = $35

Therefore, Donald will make $35 in 5 days of working at the bookstore.