The English civil war affected the american colonies in which of the following ways:

a.) With england convulsed in civil war, the mother country for a time failed to provide military protection to the colonies

b.) Several colonies began to discuss forming a confederation, but none was ready to do so yet.

c.) William Berkeley, governor of Viginia, found his position strengthened due to Englands neglect

d.) all of the above

e.) none of the above

I'm thinking it's D. but i honestly don't know. i can't find much of anything about it. please help me out here. it's one question out of the 152 on my paper.

I'd go with D, too.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and see which one aligns with the impact of the English civil war on the American colonies.

a.) With England convulsed in civil war, the mother country for a time failed to provide military protection to the colonies.

This option suggests that due to the civil war in England, the colonies were left without military protection from the mother country. The English civil war, which lasted from 1642 to 1651, indeed diverted England's attention and resources away from its colonial endeavors. This resulted in reduced military support and protection for the American colonies.

b.) Several colonies began to discuss forming a confederation, but none were ready to do so yet.

This option suggests that the English civil war prompted discussions among the colonies about forming a confederation. While it is true that the civil war led to increased political and ideological discussions in the colonies, the formation of an actual confederation did not occur during this time. Thus, this option may not be the most accurate.

c.) William Berkeley, governor of Virginia, found his position strengthened due to England's neglect.

This option suggests that Governor William Berkeley's position in Virginia was strengthened because England neglected its colonial affairs during the civil war. While it is true that England's attention was diverted during this time, it is unclear whether Governor Berkeley's position specifically benefited from England's neglect.

d.) All of the above.

Given the explanations provided above, it seems that option d.) "All of the above" is the most accurate choice. During the English civil war, the colonies indeed experienced a lack of military protection from England, discussions about forming a confederation began to take place, and certain colonial leaders may have benefitted from England's neglect.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question "The English civil war affected the American colonies in which of the following ways?" is d.) All of the above.