Tamar is crating a veritcal bar graph to show how far each of her friends loves from school the data are in the table shown.

Friend 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance 7 8 9 9.5 6.5 16 7 7.5 8 10
from school
What numbers are appropriate for Tamar to use to label the vertical axis to show all the data
a.0 to 20
b. 1 to 10
c. 7 to 10
d. 7 to 16
i need a proportion

(b) 1 to 10

what kind of proportion?

idk um.....i am not sure all i need is a proportion

To determine the appropriate numbers for Tamar to use to label the vertical axis, we need to consider the range of values in the data table. The distances range from 6.5 miles to 16 miles.

In this case, Tamar wants to show all the data on the vertical axis, so the numbers should cover the entire range of distances mentioned.

Looking at the options:
a. 0 to 20: This option covers a wider range than necessary, as the maximum distance in the data is 16 miles. So, it is not an appropriate choice.
b. 1 to 10: This option does not cover the full range of distances in the data, so it is not appropriate.
c. 7 to 10: This option only covers a narrow range within the data. It does not include distances such as 6.5 or 16. Thus, it is not appropriate.
d. 7 to 16: This option covers the full range of distances in the data (from 6.5 to 16 miles), so it is the most appropriate choice.

Therefore, Tamar should use the numbers 7 to 16 to label the vertical axis.