How else can you get ninety hundredths?

uh, what was the first option?

but anyway ninety hundreths is equal to 90/100 or written as 0.90
it is also said as "nine-tenths" since you can simplify, so it would be 9/10, and 0.9 otherwise. but anyway they are all the same.

To express "ninety hundredths" as a decimal, you can convert it by dividing 90 by 100. Here's how you can calculate it:

Step 1: Divide 90 by 100.
90 ÷ 100 = 0.9

So, "ninety hundredths" is equivalent to the decimal 0.9.

Alternatively, you can also express "ninety hundredths" as a fraction. To do that, you can place 90 over 100 and simplify it if possible. In this case, since both numbers are divisible by 10, we can simplify it further.

Step 1: Simplify the fraction ( if possible).
90 ÷ 10 = 9
100 ÷ 10 = 10

So, "ninety hundredths" can be expressed as the fraction 9/10.