Archie rolls two number cubes each with sides numbered 1 through 6 he then finds the sum of the numbers on the tops of the cubes which two sums have the same probabillity?

A. 3 and 4
B. 5 and 9
C. 5 and 8
D. 10 and 12
i need the work involved and i have another question The graph of 5x-2y=10 intersects the x-axis and y-axis what are the order pairs for these two points of intersection?
A.(2,0) and (0,5)
B.(2,0) and (0,-5)
C.(-2,0) and (0,5)
D.(-2,0) and (0,-5)

to get a 3, you need 2,1 or a 1,2

to get 4, you need 1,3, 3,1;2,2
b. to get 5, 4,1;1,4;2,3;3,2
to get a 9, 5,4;4,5;6,3,3,6 equal probablility for 5 and 9
c. 5 you need 4,1;1,4; 2,3;3,2
8 tyou need 6,2;2,6, 5,3,3,5, 4,4
d. and so one.

okay but can you explain it better plz

neither mind but can u help with the second

For the first part, you really need to make a table to show all of the possible sums

I suggest making a table with 1 -6 across the top and 1-6 down the side..

Then fill in the table by adding the die.
1,1 = 2
1, 2 = 3
You may be able to find a table like this in your book or by searching google. This takes a lot of time to do by yourself.
There are 36 outcomes. You will have to see how many times each sum comes up to answer the question.

For part 2 To find the x or y - intercepts

First you let x = 0 and find y
then you let y = 0 and find x.

Remember (x,y) is the ordered pair.

(x, 0) and (o, y)

replace x and y with the values you found.

i don't get it

can you explain it better plz

to get sum of 1 = 0.

to get sum of 2 = 1/36 since there are 6 options on each die and two die so 6*6 = 36. And the only way to get two is 1+1
to get sum of 3 = 1+2, 2+1, so 1/18
to get 4 = 1,3 2,2 3,1 so 1/12
to get 5 = 2,3 3,2 1,4 4,1 so 1/9

etc etc etc

so after writing them all down, we find that 5 and 9 are equal:

to get 5 = 2,3 3,2 1,4 4,1 so 1/9

to get 9 = 3,6 6,3 4,5 5,4 so 1/9

no other ones because the die only has 6 numbers.

so the answer is B

To find the probability of getting a particular sum when rolling two number cubes, we need to determine the number of ways that sum can occur and divide it by the total number of possible outcomes.

In this problem, each cube has 6 sides numbered 1 through 6. So, when rolling two cubes, the total number of possible outcomes is 6 * 6 = 36.

1) To find the number of ways the sum of 3 can occur, we need to look for the combinations where one of the cubes shows 1 and the other cube shows 2. There is only one such combination, so the probability of getting a sum of 3 is 1/36.

2) To find the number of ways the sum of 4 can occur, we need to look for the combinations where one of the cubes shows 1 and the other cube shows 3, or one cube shows 2 and the other shows 2. There are two such combinations, so the probability of getting a sum of 4 is 2/36.

3) To find the number of ways the sum of 5 can occur, we need to look for the combinations where one of the cubes shows 1 and the other cube shows 4, or one cube shows 2 and the other shows 3, or one cube shows 3 and the other shows 2, or one cube shows 4 and the other shows 1. There are four such combinations, so the probability of getting a sum of 5 is 4/36.

4) To find the number of ways the sum of 9 can occur, we need to look for the combinations where one of the cubes shows 3 and the other cube shows 6, or one cube shows 4 and the other shows 5, or one cube shows 5 and the other shows 4, or one cube shows 6 and the other shows 3. There are four such combinations, so the probability of getting a sum of 9 is 4/36.

5) To find the number of ways the sum of 8 can occur, we need to look for the combinations where one of the cubes shows 2 and the other cube shows 6, or one cube shows 3 and the other shows 5, or one cube shows 4 and the other shows 4, or one cube shows 5 and the other shows 3, or one cube shows 6 and the other shows 2. There are five such combinations, so the probability of getting a sum of 8 is 5/36.

6) To find the number of ways the sum of 10 can occur, we need to look for the combinations where one of the cubes shows 4 and the other cube shows 6, or one cube shows 5 and the other shows 5, or one cube shows 6 and the other shows 4. There are three such combinations, so the probability of getting a sum of 10 is 3/36.

7) To find the number of ways the sum of 12 can occur, we need to look for the combinations where one of the cubes shows 6 and the other cube shows 6. There is only one such combination, so the probability of getting a sum of 12 is 1/36.

Comparing the probabilities, we can see that the sums with the same probability are 4 and 8. Therefore, the answer is option C, 5 and 8.

Now, moving on to the second question:

The equation given is 5x - 2y = 10.

To find the points of intersection with the x-axis, we set y = 0 and solve for x.

5x - 2(0) = 10
5x = 10
x = 10/5
x = 2

So, one point of intersection with the x-axis is (2, 0).

Next, to find the point of intersection with the y-axis, we set x = 0 and solve for y.

5(0) - 2y = 10
-2y = 10
y = 10/-2
y = -5

So, the point of intersection with the y-axis is (0, -5).

Therefore, the answer is option B, (2, 0) and (0, -5).