Add punctuation to the following excerpt.

Writing under the name of Diedrich Knickerbocker Washington Irving aimed his potent satire at as diverse topics as political rivals such as Thomas Jefferson to the very ideal of looking back on the past affectionately:

A fine lady, in those times, waddled under more clothes even on a fair summer's day, than would have clad the whole bevy of a modern ball room. a voluminous damsel, arrayed in a dozen of petticoats, was declared by a Low-Dutch sonnetteer of the province, to be radiant as a sunflower, and luxuriant as a full blown cabbage. in those days, the heart of a lover could not contain more than one lady at a time; whereas the heart of a modern gallant has often room enough to accommodate half a dozen

Writing under the name of Diedrich Knickerbocker Washington Irving aimed his potent satire at as diverse topics as political rivals such as Thomas Jefferson to the very ideal of looking back on the past affectionately: A [ fine lady, in those times, waddled under more clothes even on a fair summer's day, than would have clad the whole bevy of a modern ballroom. A voluminous damsel, arrayed in a dozen of petticoats, was declared by a Low-Dutch center of the province, to be radiant as a sunflower, and luxuriant as a full blown cabbage.In those days, the heart of a lover could not contain more than one lady at a time; whereas the heart of a modern gallant has often room enough to accommodate half a dozen.

Writing under the name of Diedrich Knickerbocker, Washington Irving aimed his potent satire at as diverse topics as political rivals, such as Thomas Jefferson, to the very ideal of looking back on the past affectionately. A fine lady, in those times, waddled under more clothes even on a fair summer's day, than would have clad the whole bevy of a modern ballroom. A voluminous damsel, arrayed in a dozen of petticoats, was declared by a Low-Dutch sonnetteer of the province to be radiant as a sunflower and luxuriant as a full-blown cabbage. In those days, the heart of a lover could not contain more than one lady at a time; whereas the heart of a modern gallant has often room enough to accommodate half a dozen.

Writing under the name of Diedrich Knickerbocker, Washington Irving aimed his potent satire at as diverse topics as political rivals such as Thomas Jefferson to the very ideal of looking back on the past affectionately: A fine lady, in those times, waddled under more clothes even on a fair summer's day than would have clad the whole bevy of a modern ballroom. A voluminous damsel, arrayed in a dozen of petticoats, was declared by a Low-Dutch sonnetteer of the province to be radiant as a sunflower and luxuriant as a full-blown cabbage. In those days, the heart of a lover could not contain more than one lady at a time, whereas the heart of a modern gallant has often room enough to accommodate half a dozen.

If the first two paragraphs are what you are supposed to correct, then go back and rethink it all.

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Most people don't realise how big of a problem this is. Its that common in our lives that no one even realises that its happening when it does. Todays society has made us believe that its something normal, something that happens on a daily basic. Everyone of us has experienced a moment of being bullied. Everyone of us has been a victim of bullying; from teasing to spreading a rumour or even saying a hurtful comment behind the screen. I'm Chantelle and today I will be talking about "Bullying."