A particle with mass 6.4 is acted on by a conservative force moves along a path given by:

Find the potential energy of the particle at t = 1, x = 8.0, and y = 14.7 while assuming that the initial potential energy equals zero.

To find the potential energy of the particle at a specific point, we need to calculate the potential energy function first.

The potential energy of a particle moving under the influence of a conservative force can be determined from the work done by the conservative force. The potential energy function is usually denoted by U(x, y).

To calculate the potential energy function, we first need to find the force function F(x, y) associated with the conservative force. The force function can be derived from the given path equations using the relationship F = -∇U, where ∇ is the del operator (a vector operator that represents the gradient).

Taking the gradient of the potential energy function U(x, y), we have:
∇U = (∂U/∂x)i + (∂U/∂y)j

Comparing this with F(x, y) = Fx(x, y)i + Fy(x, y)j, we get the following relationships:
∂U/∂x = -Fx(x, y) and ∂U/∂y = -Fy(x, y)

To find Fx(x, y) and Fy(x, y), we calculate the derivatives of the given path equations:
x = 5.2*cos(2.2t)
y = 5.9*sin(2.2t)

Taking the derivatives with respect to t, we obtain:
dx/dt = -11.44*sin(2.2t)
dy/dt = 12.98*cos(2.2t)

Now, we can substitute these derivatives into ∂U/∂x = -Fx(x, y) and ∂U/∂y = -Fy(x, y) to find the expressions for Fx(x, y) and Fy(x, y).

∂U/∂x = -Fx(x, y) --> -Fx(x, y) = -∂U/∂x --> Fx(x, y) = ∂U/∂x

Substituting dx/dt = -11.44*sin(2.2t) for ∂x/∂t, we have:
Fx(x, y) = ∂U/∂x = -6.4*dx/dt = 6.4*(11.44*sin(2.2t))

∂U/∂y = -Fy(x, y) --> -Fy(x, y) = -∂U/∂y --> Fy(x, y) = ∂U/∂y

Substituting dy/dt = 12.98*cos(2.2t) for ∂y/∂t, we have:
Fy(x, y) = ∂U/∂y = -6.4*dy/dt = -6.4*(12.98*cos(2.2t))

Now, we have the force functions Fx(x, y) and Fy(x, y). We can integrate these functions with respect to x and y, respectively, to obtain the potential energy function U(x, y).

Integrating Fx(x, y) with respect to x, we get:
U(x, y) = ∫[Fx(x, y)]dx = ∫[6.4*(11.44*sin(2.2t))]dx

Integrating Fy(x, y) with respect to y, we get:
U(x, y) = ∫[Fy(x, y)]dy = ∫[-6.4*(12.98*cos(2.2t))]dy

These integrations require further information about the limits or the behavior of x and y with respect to t. If you provide more specific information, I can help you perform the integrations and find the potential energy function.