An airplane traveled from Boston to Las Vegas making a stop in St. Louis. The plane traveled 2410 miles altogether, which is 230% of the distance from Boston to St. Louis. Find the distance from Boston to St. Louis to the nearest mile.

2410 / 2.3 = ?

To find the distance from Boston to St. Louis, we need to set up an equation based on the information given. Let's assume that the distance from Boston to St. Louis is "x" miles.

According to the problem, the airplane traveled 2410 miles in total, which is 230% of the distance from Boston to St. Louis. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

2410 = 230% * x

To solve this equation, we need to convert 230% to decimal form. We divide it by 100:

2.3 = x

So, the distance from Boston to St. Louis is approximately 2.3 times (or 230% of) the distance from Boston to St. Louis.

To find the distance from Boston to St. Louis to the nearest mile, we can round 2.3 to the nearest whole number:

x ≈ 2

Therefore, the distance from Boston to St. Louis is approximately 2 miles.