Write each of the following as a common fraction or mixed number. Write your answer in

lowest terms and the number is 15.35? Please help

Estimate the sum or difference.

four-fifths +Start Fraction 18 over 20 End Fraction

15 35/100 = 15 7/20 = 307/20

To write the number 15.35 as a common fraction or mixed number, we need to understand the place value of each digit.

The digit 1 in 15.35 is in the tens place.
The digit 5 in 15.35 is in the ones place.
The digit 3 in 15.35 is in the tenths place.
The digit 5 in 15.35 is in the hundredths place.

To convert 15.35 to a fraction, we can write it as the sum of its whole number part and fractional part:

15 + 35/100

To simplify the fraction, we can reduce it to its lowest terms. In this case, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 5:

15 + 7/20

Therefore, the number 15.35 can be written as a mixed number in lowest terms as:

15 7/20

Thanks for your help