Riya, a manager, calls a meeting of her subordinates to tell them about the new benefits package.Riya is performing the _______role.

A. Disseminator
B. Monitor
C. Spokeperson
D. Negotiator
My answer: A

2nd question:
Namibia has a law that prohibits foreign companies from owership of firms within the country. In order to have a presence in that country a company may engage in a _____with an existing company in Namibia.

A. countertrade
B. strategic alliance
C. joint venture
D. greenfield venture
My answer: C

3rd question:
When an organization plans effectively, it plans in three phases. Starting with the one that should come first, what is the correct order of these phases?

A. Operational , tactical, strategic
B. Tactical,operational,strategic
C. Tactical strategic,operational
D. Strategic, tactical,operational
My answer: D

Last question:
Maslow's levels of needs, in order from basic to highest level,are

A. physiological, safety, esteem, belongingness, and self-actualization

B. Physiological,safety,belongingness, esteem and self-actualization.

C. Self-actualization,esteem,belongingness,safety,and physiological.

D. Self-actualization, belongingness,esteem, safety, and physiological
My answer B
Thanks, again :0)

I agree.

Marie is deciding how much funding each of the departments she managers will receive next year. She is operating in the ___________ role.


For the first question, the correct answer is A. Riya is performing the role of a disseminator. To determine this, we need to understand the roles of a manager. One of the roles of a manager is to act as a disseminator of information, meaning they share important or new information with their subordinates. In this scenario, Riya is calling a meeting to inform her subordinates about the new benefits package, which aligns with the role of a disseminator.

For the second question, the correct answer is C. In order to have a presence in Namibia despite the law prohibiting foreign company ownership, a company may engage in a joint venture with an existing company in Namibia. A joint venture is a business arrangement where two or more companies work together and pool their resources to achieve a specific goal, in this case, having a presence in Namibia.

For the third question, the correct answer is D. When an organization plans effectively, it plans in three phases: strategic, tactical, and operational. The correct order of these phases is strategic planning, followed by tactical planning, and then operational planning. Strategic planning involves setting the overall goals and objectives of the organization, tactical planning involves developing plans to achieve those goals, and operational planning involves the detailed planning and execution of tasks to implement the tactical plans.

Lastly, for the last question, the correct answer is A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs, in order from basic to highest level, is physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory that suggests individuals have different levels of needs, and these needs must be fulfilled in a specific order. The basic physiological needs, such as food and shelter, are the foundation, followed by safety needs, then belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, and finally, self-actualization needs.