Let Pk, Pna and Pcl be permeabilities of squid axon membrane for potassium, sodium and chloride, respectively.

During the rest, the ratios of permeabilities are given by Pk:Pna:Pcl = 1.0 : 0.043 : 0.44
During the peak of an action potential these ratios become Pk:Pna:Pcl = 1.0 : 21.4 : 0.47

The ionic concentrations are:
The table entries have units of nM/I, and are for squid axon.

The temperature of this preparation is 28∘C.

Estimate the maximum amplitude of the action potential, using the permeability ratios above.

Assume that intracellular and extracellular concentrations of ions don't change during the action potential.
Give a numeric answer in mV within 1% of correct value.
Answer for Question 6

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To estimate the maximum amplitude of the action potential, we need to calculate the reversal potentials for each ion and determine the difference between the reversal potentials for sodium (ENa) and potassium (EK).

The reversal potential for a specific ion can be calculated using the Nernst equation:

Eion = (RT/zF) * ln([Ion]extracellular/[Ion]intracellular)

where Eion is the reversal potential for that ion, R is the ideal gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, z is the valence of the ion, F is Faraday's constant, [Ion]extracellular is the extracellular concentration of the ion, and [Ion]intracellular is the intracellular concentration of the ion.

Let's calculate the reversal potentials for potassium, sodium, and chloride:

For potassium (K+):
- Valence (z) = 1
- [K+]intracellular = 39730 nM/I
- [K+]extracellular = 50437 nM/I

EK = (RT/zF) * ln([K+]extracellular/[K+]intracellular)
= (8.314 J/(K*mol) * 301 K / (1 * 96485 C/mol)) * ln(50437/39730)
≈ -74.15 mV

For sodium (Na+):
- Valence (z) = 1
- [Na+]intracellular = 50437 nM/I
- [Na+]extracellular = 39730 nM/I

ENa = (RT/zF) * ln([Na+]extracellular/[Na+]intracellular)
= (8.314 J/(K*mol) * 301 K / (1 * 96485 C/mol)) * ln(39730/50437)
≈ 69.19 mV

Now, we can calculate the maximum amplitude of the action potential by subtracting the reversal potentials of potassium and sodium:

Amplitude = ENa - EK
≈ 69.19 mV - (-74.15 mV)
≈ 143.34 mV

Therefore, the estimated maximum amplitude of the action potential is approximately 143.34 mV.