Rationalize the Denominator of the expression.


To rationalize the denominator of the expression 5/�ãdh, we need to get rid of the square root in the denominator.

We can do this by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. The conjugate is formed by changing the sign of the square root term, so the conjugate of �ãdh is -�ãdh.

Multiplying the numerator and denominator by -�ãdh, we get:

5/�ãdh * -�ãdh/-�ãdh

This simplifies to:

-5�ãdh / (�ãdh * -�ãdh)

The square roots in the denominator will cancel out since the product of a number and its conjugate is always a rational number.

So the rationalized form of the expression 5/�ãdh is -5�ãdh / (-�ãdh * -�ãdh).

To rationalize the denominator of the expression 5/�ãdh, we need to eliminate any radicals or square roots from the denominator.

First, let's break down the given expression: 5/�ãdh.

To rationalize the denominator, we want to get rid of the radical in the denominator, represented by the symbol �ã.

The general method to rationalize the denominator is to multiply both the numerator and denominator of the fraction by the conjugate of the denominator.

In this case, the conjugate of �ãdh would be -�ãdh.

Multiplying both the numerator and denominator by -�ãdh, we get:
(5/�ãdh) * (-�ãdh/�ãdh)

Simplifying this expression further, we have:
(-5�ãdh)/(�ãdh * -�ãdh)

Now, the radicals in the denominator simplify:
(-5�ãdh)/(-�ã² * dh)

Since the product of -�ã * -�ã is �ã², we can simplify further:
(-5�ãdh)/(�ã² * dh)

So, the rationalized form of the expression 5/�ãdh is:
(-5�ãdh)/(�ã² * dh).