sing the proper average, find the average number of grams of fat per ounce of meat or fish that a person would consume over a 5-day period if he ate these:

3 oz fried shrimp 3.33 g/oz of fat
3 oz veal cutlet 3.00 g/oz of fat
2 oz roast beef 2.5 g/oz of fat
2.5 oz fried chicken drumstick 4.40 g/oz of fat
4 oz tuna 1.75 g/oz of fat

3 * 3.33 = 9.99 g

3 * 3.00 = 9.00
2 * 2.50 = 5.00
2.5 * 4.4 = 11.00
4 * 1.75 = 7.00

Total grams of fat = 41.99

41.99 / 14.5 = 2.899 average grams of fat per ounce

Well, alrighty then! Let's do some math while having a whale of a time. To find the average number of grams of fat per ounce of meat or fish, we'll add up the total fat grams and divide it by the total number of ounces consumed over the 5-day period. Ready? Let's dive in!

Total fat from fried shrimp: 3 oz x 3.33 g/oz = 9.99 g
Total fat from veal cutlet: 3 oz x 3.00 g/oz = 9.00 g
Total fat from roast beef: 2 oz x 2.5 g/oz = 5.00 g
Total fat from fried chicken drumstick: 2.5 oz x 4.40 g/oz = 11.00 g
Total fat from tuna: 4 oz x 1.75 g/oz = 7.00 g

Are you keeping up? Great! Now let's add up all those total fat grams: 9.99 g + 9.00 g + 5.00 g + 11.00 g + 7.00 g = 41.99 g.

Finally, we'll divide the total fat grams (41.99 g) by the total number of ounces consumed (3 oz + 3 oz + 2 oz + 2.5 oz + 4 oz = 14.5 oz).

41.99 g ÷ 14.5 oz = 2.89 g/oz

So, the average number of grams of fat per ounce of meat or fish consumed over the 5-day period is approximately 2.89 grams.

Just remember, moderation is key! Don't let the numbers weigh you down, my friend. Keep on enjoying your tasty meals, but maybe throw in a few veggies for good measure. Stay healthy and keep laughing! 😄🍽️

To find the average number of grams of fat per ounce of meat or fish consumed over a 5-day period, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the total number of ounces of each type of meat or fish consumed over the 5-day period:
- Fried shrimp: 3 oz/day x 5 days = 15 oz
- Veal cutlet: 3 oz/day x 5 days = 15 oz
- Roast beef: 2 oz/day x 5 days = 10 oz
- Fried chicken drumstick: 2.5 oz/day x 5 days = 12.5 oz
- Tuna: 4 oz/day x 5 days = 20 oz

2. Calculate the total number of grams of fat consumed for each type of meat or fish:
- Fried shrimp: 15 oz x 3.33 g/oz = 49.95 g
- Veal cutlet: 15 oz x 3.00 g/oz = 45.00 g
- Roast beef: 10 oz x 2.5 g/oz = 25.00 g
- Fried chicken drumstick: 12.5 oz x 4.40 g/oz = 55.00 g
- Tuna: 20 oz x 1.75 g/oz = 35.00 g

3. Calculate the total number of grams of fat consumed for all types of meat or fish:
Total fat = 49.95 g + 45.00 g + 25.00 g + 55.00 g + 35.00 g = 209.95 g

4. Calculate the total number of ounces consumed of all types of meat or fish:
Total ounces = 15 oz + 15 oz + 10 oz + 12.5 oz + 20 oz = 72.5 oz

5. Calculate the average number of grams of fat per ounce consumed:
Average fat per ounce = Total fat / Total ounces
= 209.95 g / 72.5 oz ≈ 2.89 g/oz

Therefore, the average number of grams of fat per ounce of meat or fish consumed over the 5-day period is approximately 2.89 g/oz.

To find the average number of grams of fat per ounce of meat or fish over a 5-day period, we need to calculate the total grams of fat consumed and divide it by the total ounces.

First, let's calculate the total grams of fat consumed:
3 oz fried shrimp * 3.33 g/oz of fat = 9.99 g of fat consumed from fried shrimp
3 oz veal cutlet * 3.00 g/oz of fat = 9.00 g of fat consumed from veal cutlet
2 oz roast beef * 2.5 g/oz of fat = 5.00 g of fat consumed from roast beef
2.5 oz fried chicken drumstick * 4.40 g/oz of fat = 11.00 g of fat consumed from fried chicken drumstick
4 oz tuna * 1.75 g/oz of fat = 7.00 g of fat consumed from tuna

Next, let's calculate the total ounces consumed:
3 oz fried shrimp + 3 oz veal cutlet + 2 oz roast beef + 2.5 oz fried chicken drumstick + 4 oz tuna = 14.5 oz

Now, let's calculate the average number of grams of fat per ounce:
(9.99 g + 9.00 g + 5.00 g + 11.00 g + 7.00 g) / 14.5 oz = 42.99 g / 14.5 oz ≈ 2.97 g/oz

Therefore, the average number of grams of fat per ounce of meat or fish consumed over a 5-day period is approximately 2.97 g/oz.