graph the line


Could you show how you got the answer so I can work it out also

Pick three x values, say 0,1,2

figure the y for those three values of x

plot those three points on a graph.
Connect with a line.

You can graph the line by solving for y:

-4y = -3x -8

y = 3/4x + 2
(divided everything by -4)

If x = 0 you should get 2 for y
if x = 4 you should get 3 + 2 = 5 for y

Now, you have two points (0,2) and (4,5) You always should have one more point to be sure your line is correct.

Try x = 8 (3/4)(8) = 6 then add 2

These are the two points that I have. I'm trying to figure out a third one but its hard for me.


To graph the line 3x - 4y = -8, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the equation to slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

Let's rearrange the equation 3x - 4y = -8 to solve for y.
-4y = -3x - 8 (subtract 3x from both sides)
y = (3/4)x + 2 (divide every term by -4)

So, the slope-intercept form of the line is y = (3/4)x + 2. From this equation, we can see that the slope is 3/4 and the y-intercept is 2.

Step 2: Find two points on the line.

To find two points on the line, we can substitute different values of x into the equation and solve for y. Let's choose x = 0 and x = 4.

For x = 0:
y = (3/4)(0) + 2
y = 2
So, the first point is (0, 2).

For x = 4:
y = (3/4)(4) + 2
y = 3 + 2
y = 5
So, the second point is (4, 5).

Step 3: Plot the points on a coordinate plane and draw the line passing through them.

Now, plot the two points (0, 2) and (4, 5) on a graph. Then, draw a straight line passing through these two points.

| x
(0,2) |

The line passing through (0, 2) and (4, 5) represents the graph of the equation 3x - 4y = -8.