Using a laid down procedure for problem identification. Identify a problem in visally handicap and: (a) write the background of the study of the problem. (b) state the problem in interrogative and declarative form. (c) give significance of the study. (d) write two research questions of the study. (e) write two hypothesis of d study

What is your question about your assignment?

To identify a problem in the context of visually impaired individuals and follow a laid-down procedure, here are the steps you can take:

Step 1: Identify the Problem
Start by conducting observations, literature reviews, and conversations with visually impaired individuals and experts in the field to gain a deep understanding of their experiences and challenges they face in their daily lives. Consider their personal and social interactions, access to education, employment opportunities, technology usage, etc. Based on your research, identify a specific issue that is significant and requires attention.

Step 2: Write the Background of the Study
The background of the study provides context and justifies the importance of addressing the identified problem. In this section, you would give an overview of the current situation and challenges faced by visually impaired individuals. Discuss relevant statistics, studies, and existing initiatives to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

Step 3: State the Problem
(a) Interrogative Form: What are the major barriers faced by visually impaired individuals in accessing education and employment?
(b) Declarative Form: The problem is the significant barriers visually impaired individuals face in accessing education and employment opportunities.

Step 4: Give Significance of the Study
Explain why addressing the problem is essential. Highlight the potential impact on the lives of visually impaired individuals, their inclusion in society, and the potential benefits to the broader community. Emphasize the significance of inclusive practices, accessible technology solutions, and creating equal opportunities for all.

Step 5: Research Questions
(a) What are the main educational challenges visually impaired individuals face in accessing inclusive education?
(b) What factors contribute to the limited employment opportunities available for visually impaired individuals?

Step 6: Hypotheses
Please note that formulating hypotheses generally requires a deeper understanding of the research problem, relevant theories, and statistical analysis. The following are examples of how hypotheses could be framed for the identified problem:
(a) Hypothesis 1: Increased implementation of inclusive education practices positively correlates with improved educational outcomes for visually impaired individuals.
(b) Hypothesis 2: Enhancing accessibility and providing reasonable accommodations in the workplace positively impacts the employment rate of visually impaired individuals.

Remember, the specific problem, background, research questions, and hypotheses may vary depending on the focus and scope of your study. It's essential to further refine these elements through thorough research and consultation with experts in the field.