Under Andrew Jackson's presidency who got the most power and from whom?


I need to know specific people name or a group of people's that got the most power under Andrew Jackson's presidency

And where did they get it( from whom)

Under Jackson, the powers of the President increased. Be sure to read the above site and the one below carefully.


President Jackson was instrumental in disinvesting the U.S. government from the Bank of the United States, Which was controlled principally by the private European banking tycoon, Nathan Mayer Rothschild. The bank's charter was not renewed, The nation,s debt to it was paid off, and the remaining U.S. Treasury funds were deposited in designated banks owned by their respective states. Many of the powers President Jackson took unto himself (as outlined in the articles Ms. Sue provided) were necessitated by his need to free the nation from foreign control of its currency.

Under President Jacksons presidency, this is the greatest shift of power.

The articles above,
I Googled ~Andrew Jackson Federal Reserve~, and chose the top link, a video on Youtube, entitled "How Andrew Jackson Killed the Federal Reserve". Once I had watched that presentation I put ~Andrew Jackson balance of power~ into Youtube's search engine and chose the second choice entitled "How the banksters took control of you!" While the titles of the videos may seem hyperbolic, the information is historic fact.

Under Andrew Jackson's presidency, the person who gained the most power was Andrew Jackson himself. As the President of the United States, Jackson held significant influence and decision-making authority over the executive branch of the government. However, if you are looking for a specific individual or group who gained power from Jackson, it can be more nuanced.

One possible interpretation is that Jackson sought to enhance the power of the presidency and diminish the influence of other branches of government, particularly the Congress and the Supreme Court. His philosophy of governance, known as Jacksonian Democracy, emphasized the supremacy of the executive and a larger role for the common citizen in the political process. Jackson aggressively used his veto power to challenge Congress and pushed for policies that increased executive authority.

It is also worth noting that Jackson's supporters, often referred to as the "Jacksonians" or the "Democratic Party," gained power during his presidency. Jacksonian Democracy aimed to empower the common man and increase their participation in the political system. This resulted in an expansion of voting rights, including the elimination of property ownership requirements for white men, which allowed a larger portion of the population to participate in elections.

To sum up, under Andrew Jackson's presidency, the individual who gained the most power was Jackson himself as the President of the United States. However, his administration also aimed to enhance the power of the presidency and increase the influence of the common citizen in the political process.