the perspective on rosa parks, the bus driver, or another passenger (black,or white} i have to write a sentnce that would ,make the people want to read it. and a possible ending

What have you said in the body of your paper?

what do you mean? i doing an outline right now

Good. After you do your outline, then write the body of your paper. After all, you can't introduce something without knowing all about it.

so for my beginning hook(which is a sentence that will make people want to read it) i can right this...

sitting on the bus tired from long day of work. the white bus driver barked saying to get out of the seats, obeying i stood up noticing another colored lady sitting there not listening when he threatened to call the police she sat there, terrified of what would happen to her i got out silently cheering her on for being a brave soul.

idk it sound terrible from my perspective but idk what to write.

What are the main points in your outline?

how there was a colored passenger who stood up when was asked but saw a brave women who was tired of being mistreated so decided to not listen. and from then on showed how it was starting to be a different world from boycott to marching and so on and from then on things were starting to be different thrpugh hard work and dedication

That is not an outline.

oh for my outline

the main points is how she refused to get up from her seat. and what happened after her arrest

OK. Write a paragraph about each of those two points.

After you've finished toth of those paragraphs, post them here.

Be sure to proofread so that you have complete sentences and appropriate capitalization and punctuation.