this next one i want to make sure that what i'm answering is correct.

(1) A rectangle has sides of 3x-4 and 7x+10. Find the expression that represents its perimeter.

My answer for solving:

P=2(3w-4)+ 2(7x +10)

My final answer:

P=2(3w-4)+ 2(7x +10)
the w should be x

2*3x= 6x (you have 6w)
2*-4 = -8 and not -6.

On the next term:

2*7x=14x as you have it BUT
2*10=20 and not 10

These may just be typos because the final equation you have is correct.

sorry they were typos. thank you.


No problem! It happens to everyone. It's important to double-check our work and make sure we avoid typos or mistakes when solving math problems. In this case, the correct expression for the perimeter of the rectangle is indeed P = 20x + 12.