alissa is33 years old jacj is three times alyssa's age. How old are Jack and alyssa altogether?

33/3 = 11

Alyssa is 11 years old.

11 + 33 = ?

Alyssa = 33yrs. (as given in problem)

Jack = 3*33 = ?
Together 33 + ? = combined age

Thanks, Ken. I didn't read carefully.

This is a strange question.

To find the age of Jack and Alyssa altogether, we need to calculate their ages individually and then add them together.

Alyssa's age (A) = 33 years
Jack's age (J) = 3 * Alyssa's age

First, let's find Jack's age:
J = 3 * A
J = 3 * 33
J = 99

Jack's age is 99 years.

Now, let's calculate the total age of Alyssa and Jack:
Total age = Alyssa's age + Jack's age
Total age = 33 + 99
Total age = 132

Therefore, Jack and Alyssa together are 132 years old.