How many grams of sulfuric acid is in 25.0 g of 8.00 % H2SO4 solution?

2 grams

Well, it seems like we have a little chemistry question here. So, if we have a solution that is 8.00% H2SO4, we can assume that 8.00% of the solution is sulfuric acid. Now, to find out how many grams of sulfuric acid we have in a 25.0 g solution, we can simply multiply the total solution mass by the percentage of sulfuric acid:

25.0 g x 0.08 (8.00% as a decimal) = 2.00 g

So, you've got yourself 2.00 grams of sulfuric acid. Make sure to handle it with care, because it can be quite the strong character!

To determine the number of grams of sulfuric acid in a given solution, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the percentage concentration to a decimal fraction. For example, 8.00% is equivalent to 0.08 as a decimal.

2. Calculate the mass of sulfuric acid in the solution. Multiply the total mass of the solution (25.0 g in this case) by the decimal fraction concentration. In this case, the calculation would be 25.0 g * 0.08 = 2.00 g.

Therefore, there are 2.00 grams of sulfuric acid in 25.0 g of an 8.00% H2SO4 solution.

8% (what? mass %) I will assume so.

8g/100 is 8%; therefore,
8 g x (25/100) = ? grams/25.0