Find the missing value to the nearest hundredth.

tan =38

Find the missing value to the nearest hundredth.


To find the missing value to the nearest hundredth, you need to use a scientific calculator with trigonometric functions or consult a trigonometric table. Here's how you can find the missing value for each scenario:

1. tan = 38:
To find the missing value for tangent, you need to use the inverse tangent function on a scientific calculator. On most calculators, this is denoted as "tan^(-1)" or "arctan". You would enter "38" into the calculator and press the inverse tangent function to get the angle in radians. Then, if you want to convert it to degrees, multiply the result by (180/π). To find the value to the nearest hundredth, round the result to two decimal places.

tan^(-1)(38) ≈ 1.337 radians ≈ 76.687 degrees (rounded to two decimal places)

2. sin = 8/32:
To find the missing value for sine, you can use the arcsine function on a scientific calculator. Similar to the tangent function, the arcsine function is denoted as "sin^(-1)" or "arcsin". Enter the ratio of sine (8/32) into the calculator, and then find the inverse sine of that ratio. To convert the result to degrees, multiply by (180/π). Finally, round to two decimal places.

sin^(-1)(8/32) ≈ 0.252 radians ≈ 14.465 degrees (rounded to two decimal places)

Please note that the values provided are simply examples, and you should use a scientific calculator or trigonometric table to find the accurate values to the nearest hundredth.

Handy trig calculators can be found at