mudd flats is shaped like a rectangle 9 mi long and 4 mi wide. the town has a population of 66,290. find the population per square mile?

1841 per mi^2

A = 9 * 4

A = 36 square miles

66,290/36 = ________ population per square mile

To find the population per square mile in Mudd Flats, you need to calculate the area of Mudd Flats first.

The formula for the area of a rectangle is length multiplied by width. In this case, the length of Mudd Flats is 9 miles, and the width is 4 miles.

Area = length × width
Area = 9 mi × 4 mi
Area = 36 square miles

Now, to find the population per square mile, divide the total population by the area of Mudd Flats.

Population per square mile = Population ÷ Area
Population per square mile = 66,290 ÷ 36
Population per square mile ≈ 1,841.39

Therefore, the population per square mile in Mudd Flats is approximately 1,841.39.

To find the population per square mile in Mudd Flats, we need to calculate the total area of Mudd Flats and then divide the population by this area.

To calculate the area of a rectangle, we need its length and width. In this case, the length is given as 9 miles, and the width is given as 4 miles. The formula to find the area of a rectangle is:

Area = length * width

So, the area of Mudd Flats is:

Area = 9 miles * 4 miles = 36 square miles

Now that we have the area of Mudd Flats, we can calculate the population per square mile:

Population per square mile = population / area

Population per square mile = 66,290 / 36 ≈ 1,841.39

Therefore, the population per square mile in Mudd Flats is approximately 1,841.39.