//Your parser will read from input.txt
//input.txt consists of a series inputs that you need to read.
//each input is proceeded by a flag.
//Each flag will be either I,C, or F.
//I means int C means char F means float.

//So for example

//I 7963467
//means int 7963467

//C H
//means char H

//F 0.7896
//means float 0.7896

//Your parser must read in each input, and then print it to the correct file.
//ints go in ints.txt
//chars go in chars.txt
//floats go in floats.txt


//include fprintf and fscanf

//define the flags for ints, chars, and floats

//begin your main function

//open ints.txt, chars.txt, and floats.txt for writing
//open input.txt for reading

//create a char variable to hold the flags you read

//create int, char, and float variables to hold the int, char, and float values you read

//while fscanf does not return an EOF error
//read in a flag from input.txt

//if it stands for an int
//read an int from input.txt
//write the int to ints.txt

//if it stands for a char
//read a char from input.txt
//write the char to chars.txt

//if it stands for a float
//read a float from input.txt
//write the float to floats.txt

//once fscanf returns and EOF error retun a successful exit status

F 0.78894013
F 0.9314277 F 0.5232333 C B I -137906627 I -1996633734 I -1447195994 I 919600884 C A F 0.9441295
F 0.5174666 F 0.42310685 I -1350688945
I -914707410 F 0.47931284 F 0.68271214 I 93438205 F 0.6797208 I 1036651326 C N C O I 1637637140 I -1188293413 F 0.7276037 F 0.06718892 F 0.0063889623
F 0.30709398
F 0.692013 I -314717639 C D
I 117487538 F 0.49241847 F 0.9592102 F 0.10722464 C J C D F 0.70932585 F 0.26743054 C T
I -2016662093
F 0.5379572 F 0.9862306 F 0.98958594 I 1051489085
I -1219307303
F 0.35428613 F 0.15652138 I -281807237
I -939120146 F 0.7720085 F 0.9226006 F 0.99074465 C V F 0.5294497 F 0.77853096 I -899732887 F 0.97927564
I 665981403 C E I -1826030366 C C I -1331371421 I -1858326018 C M F 0.45854622 I 428292252 I 817649516 I 1882118690 I 1968757506
F 0.48443586 I 1189260528 I -1269622244 C J I 1260696138

To solve this problem, you need to write a program that reads a series of inputs from a file called input.txt and then writes the inputs to separate files based on their flag. The flags are I (int), C (char), and F (float). The ints should be written to the file ints.txt, chars to chars.txt, and floats to floats.txt.

Here is an example of how you can write the code to solve this problem:

1. Include the necessary header files for input/output operations: `fprintf` and `fscanf`.

#include <stdio.h>

2. Define constants for the flags representing ints, chars, and floats.

#define INT 'I'
#define CHAR 'C'
#define FLOAT 'F'

3. Begin your main function.

int main() {
FILE *intsFile, *charsFile, *floatsFile, *inputFile;
char flag;
int intValue;
char charValue;
float floatValue;

// Open the files for writing and reading
intsFile = fopen("ints.txt", "w");
charsFile = fopen("chars.txt", "w");
floatsFile = fopen("floats.txt", "w");
inputFile = fopen("input.txt", "r");

// Check if the files were opened successfully
if (intsFile == NULL || charsFile == NULL || floatsFile == NULL || inputFile == NULL) {
printf("Error opening files. Exiting...");
return 1;

// Read the inputs from input.txt and write them to the correct file
while (fscanf(inputFile, "%c ", &flag) != EOF) {
if (flag == INT) {
fscanf(inputFile, "%d ", &intValue);
fprintf(intsFile, "%d\n", intValue);
} else if (flag == CHAR) {
fscanf(inputFile, "%c ", &charValue);
fprintf(charsFile, "%c\n", charValue);
} else if (flag == FLOAT) {
fscanf(inputFile, "%f ", &floatValue);
fprintf(floatsFile, "%f\n", floatValue);

// Close the files

return 0;

4. Compile and run the program.

After running the program, you should find the inputs from input.txt written to the correct files: ints.txt, chars.txt, and floats.txt.