the volume of a small balloon is 2 liters and a larger balloon is 5 liters. the small balloon is increased at a rate of 0.3 per sec. larger balloon is decreased at a rate of 0.12 liters per sec. after how many seconds will the two balloon have the same liters.

let the time taken be t seconds

2 + .3t = 5 - .12t
.42t = 3
t = 3/.42 = 7.14 seconds

after 7.14 seconds, volume of smaller balloon = 2 + 7.14(.3) = 4.14
after 7.14 seconds, volume larger ballon = 5 - 7.14(.12) = 4.14
OK then!

To find out when the two balloons will have the same volume, we can set up an equation based on the given information:

Let's say t represents the number of seconds it takes for the two balloons to have the same volume.

The volume of the small balloon is given by:
V_small = 2 + 0.3t

The volume of the larger balloon is given by:
V_large = 5 - 0.12t

To find when the two volumes are equal, we set them equal to each other and solve for t:

2 + 0.3t = 5 - 0.12t

Let's simplify the equation:

0.3t + 0.12t = 5 - 2
0.42t = 3
t = 3 / 0.42
t ≈ 7.14

Therefore, after approximately 7.14 seconds, the two balloons will have the same volume.