how to round 0.2055 to 3 decimals

Usually, the rule is to go to the 4th place and it is 5 or higher round up. The answer would be .206

There is also another rule that says to round up when there is a 5 only if the answer will be even. Again, .206 would be the answer.

Using either rule we get .206

To round 0.2055 to 3 decimals, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Look at the 4th decimal place, which is 5 in this case.

Step 2: Check the digit to the right of the 4th decimal place (which is the 5th decimal place).

- If the digit is 5 or greater, you round up the 4th decimal place by adding 1 to it.

- If the digit is less than 5, you simply keep the 4th decimal place as it is.

Step 3: Drop all the decimal places after the 3rd decimal place.

Applying these steps to 0.2055:

The digit in the 4th decimal place is 5.

The digit in the 5th decimal place is empty (assuming there is no digit there).

Since the digit in the 5th decimal place is empty, it means it is less than 5.

Therefore, you keep the 4th decimal place as it is.

Dropping all the decimal places after the 3rd decimal place, the rounded decimal is 0.206.