4. What conclusion can you draw from Anne and Peter’s interaction at the beginning of Scene 3?

Is this in the "Diary of Anne Frank"?


I conclude they're both normal young teens who need to let off steam after being quiet and serious all day.

What do you conclude?


What conclusion can you draw from Anne and Peter’s interaction at the beginning of Scene 3?

To draw a conclusion from Anne and Peter's interaction in Scene 3, you need to analyze their dialogue and actions. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Read the dialogue: Start by reading Anne and Peter's dialogue carefully. Note any specific details or exchanges that stand out.

2. Observe their behavior: Pay attention to their actions and body language. Look for non-verbal cues like gestures, facial expressions, or movements that could provide insights into their feelings.

3. Identify key themes: Consider the context of the scene and any recurring themes in the play. This helps you understand the broader significance of their interaction.

4. Analyze the subtext: Look beyond the literal meaning of their words. Consider what might lie beneath the surface, such as hidden emotions, desires, or conflicts.

5. Consider the stage directions: Anne Frank's play contains stage directions that provide additional insights into the characters' interactions. These directions can help you better understand the dynamics between Anne and Peter.

Once you have gathered this information, you can draw a conclusion about Anne and Peter's interaction in Scene 3. It could be related to their developing friendship, a possible romantic interest, or a conflict that arises between them. Remember to support your conclusion with evidence from the text.