1. the energy for the wateer cycle come from the sun


2. the temperature at which water vapor condenses to liquid form is called
dew point

3. clouds that cover a large area

4. what kind of weather would an anitcyclone likely bring
not-- cool and wet

5. what kind of water does a stationary front bring
not-- severe storms

6. which describesboth cyclones and anticyclones
not-- both produce wet, stormy weather

7. area of low pressure where air masses meet and rise

8. area in which two types of air masses meet

9. what kind of front produces large amounts of rain and snow
not-- cold

10. what is an example of the technology used to follow fronts

4. A) stormy
B) cool and wet (i already got this wrong ((b))
C) dry and clear
D) changeable

5. A) drizzly rain followed by clear weather
B) severe storms (i already got this wrong ((b))
C) many days of cloudy wet weather
D) cold dry wweather

6. A) both produce wet stormy weather (i already got this wrong ((a))
B) both are measured by changes in air pressure
C) both move air un an upward direction
D) both occur at the same time in the same location

9. A) cold (i already got this wrong ((a))
B) stationary
C) warm
D) occluded

I need help on 4,5,6,9 thanks in advance-- gonegirl

To answer question 4, you need to identify the kind of weather that an anticyclone is likely to bring. An anticyclone is an area of high pressure where air is descending. This descending air suppresses cloud formation and leads to clear skies and dry weather. Therefore, the correct answer to question 4 is C) dry and clear.

For question 5, you need to determine the kind of water associated with a stationary front. A stationary front occurs when two air masses meet but neither advances against the other. At a stationary front, the warm and cold air masses can produce a variety of weather conditions depending on their characteristics. However, severe storms are less likely to occur at a stationary front. Therefore, the correct answer to question 5 is A) drizzly rain followed by clear weather.

To answer question 6, you need to identify the characteristic that describes both cyclones and anticyclones. Both cyclones and anticyclones are areas of atmospheric circulation, but they have opposite air flow patterns. Cyclones are characterized by rising air, convergence, and cloud formation, while anticyclones have descending air, divergence, and clear skies. Therefore, the correct answer to question 6 is B) both are measured by changes in air pressure.

For question 9, you need to determine the type of front that produces large amounts of rain and snow. A warm front occurs when warm air overtakes cold air, and as the warm air rises, it cools and condenses, resulting in extended periods of precipitation. Therefore, the correct answer to question 9 is C) warm.

I hope this helps clarify the correct answers to these questions! Let me know if you have any further questions.

I apologize for the confusion. Here are the correct answers for questions 4, 5, 6, and 9:

4. The correct answer is C) dry and clear. An anticyclone brings stable, dry weather.

5. The correct answer is A) drizzly rain followed by clear weather. A stationary front brings relatively light precipitation.

6. The correct answer is B) both are measured by changes in air pressure. Both cyclones and anticyclones are defined by changes in air pressure, but they have opposite effects on weather patterns.

9. The correct answer is C) warm. A warm front produces large amounts of rain and/or snow as warm air overrides colder air.

I hope this helps clarify the correct answers. Let me know if you have any other questions!