If the regular price is $

12.00 and the discount is 25% what is the sale price?

0.75 * 12 = ?

12.00*.25=3 so 12.00-3.00= sale price of $9.00

To calculate the sale price given a regular price and a discount percentage, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the discount percentage to a decimal.
In this case, the discount is 25%, which can be written as 0.25 in decimal form (divide the percentage by 100).

Step 2: Subtract the discount amount from the regular price.
Multiply the regular price by the decimal equivalent of the discount percentage and subtract the result from the regular price.

Regular price = $12.00
Discount percentage = 0.25

Discount amount = Regular price x Discount percentage
= $12.00 x 0.25
= $3.00

Sale price = Regular price - Discount amount
= $12.00 - $3.00
= $9.00

Therefore, the sale price is $9.00 after applying a 25% discount to the regular price of $12.00.