what is the input and output rule to

4 33
5 36
11 54
16 69

To determine the input and output rule from the given pairs of numbers, we need to find the relationship between the inputs (first column) and outputs (second column). Let's analyze the pattern:

First, let's consider the difference between each input pair:
5 - 4 = 1
11 - 5 = 6
16 - 11 = 5

The difference between the inputs is not consistent.
Now, let's consider the difference between each output pair:
33 - 36 = -3
36 - 54 = -18
54 - 69 = -15

Similarly, the difference between the outputs is not consistent.

Since there is no apparent consistent pattern in the differences between the inputs or outputs, we might need more information or additional pairs of numbers to determine the exact input and output rule. Without more context or information, it is challenging to identify a specific rule that applies to these pairs of numbers.