A plane travels from California to New York. The plane travels about 5000 km in 5 hours. What is the plane's velocity? (Give directions as North, South, East, or West.)

Jose buys a new moped. He travels 3 km south and then 4 km east. How far does he need to go to get back to where he started?​


To find the velocity of the plane, we need to determine the displacement and direction of the plane's travel.

Given that the plane traveled 5000 km in 5 hours, we can calculate its average velocity by dividing the displacement (5000 km) by the time taken (5 hours).

The average velocity is:

Average velocity = Displacement ÷ Time

Therefore, Average velocity = 5000 km ÷ 5 hours = 1000 km/hour.

However, since the question asks for the direction in terms of North, South, East, or West, we need more information. Without knowing the exact flight path or any indications of the plane's heading, we cannot determine the direction in terms of cardinal directions.

Hence, the answer to the question solely based on the provided information is that the plane's velocity is 1000 km/hour, without specifying the direction.