Which sentence in the stage directions shows correct punctuation of an introductory structure?

A.As he makes no move she turns away.
B.As she is about to open her bedroom door, she catches sight of Mrs. Van Daan.
C.As she regains her poise she goes to her mother and father and Margot, silently kissing them.
D.Mrs. Van Daan looks after her, and then looks over at Peter’s room.

I think it is B or C..not sure?

The question asks about the introductory structure. Does B or C show the correct punctuation for the introductory words?

I guess I don't completely know...trying

I just looked in up in my writing book, and I feel like it is B.

Yes, it's B.

And I'm glad you found the answer in your writing book. <g>

Thank you Ms. Sue....I am trying :)

You're welcome. And keep on trying! :-)

To determine which sentence in the stage directions shows the correct punctuation of an introductory structure, we need to understand what an introductory structure is and how it should be punctuated.

An introductory structure is a phrase or clause that provides additional information about the subject of a sentence. It usually comes at the beginning of a sentence and is separated from the main clause by a comma. The correct punctuation of an introductory structure helps to clarify the meaning of the sentence.

Let's analyze the options:

A. "As he makes no move she turns away."
This sentence does not have an introductory structure. It presents two actions happening simultaneously. Therefore, it does not demonstrate correct punctuation of an introductory structure.

B. "As she is about to open her bedroom door, she catches sight of Mrs. Van Daan."
This sentence begins with the introductory structure "As she is about to open her bedroom door." It is followed by a comma, which correctly separates the introductory structure from the main clause. This demonstrates correct punctuation of an introductory structure.

C. "As she regains her poise she goes to her mother and father and Margot, silently kissing them."
Similarly to option B, this sentence begins with the introductory structure "As she regains her poise." However, there is no comma after the introductory structure, indicating incorrect punctuation.

D. "Mrs. Van Daan looks after her, and then looks over at Peter’s room."
This sentence does not have an introductory structure. It presents two actions happening sequentially. Therefore, it does not demonstrate correct punctuation of an introductory structure.

Based on the above analysis, the sentence that shows correct punctuation of an introductory structure is B: "As she is about to open her bedroom door, she catches sight of Mrs. Van Daan." It begins with the introductory structure and correctly uses a comma to separate it from the main clause.