1. Paying attention to punctation marks, write the following sentences in short words.

2. After you read the following passage, mark appropriate punctuation marks. After that write them again.

3. After you read the following passage, using short words, answer the question?

Are the sentences above correct?
Short words or short forms?
For example, 'I am' can be contracted into 'I'm', which is a short word.

If you mean "shortened words" -- the same thing as contractions -- then you'll need to say "shortened words." I don't know what "short words" are! (As opposed to tall words!)

From GuruBlue:

Instead of the second "after that", I would substitute "then". What does the "them" refer to? It is not clear in that sentence.

#3. Use the term "contractions".
After you read the following passage, answer the question using contractions.

Notice, I put a period at the end of the sentence instead of a question mark.

1. Rewrite the following sentences using short words, while paying attention to punctuation marks.

2. Read the following passage and mark appropriate punctuation marks. Then, rewrite the passage using those marks.
3. After reading the passage, answer the question using short words.

1. To rewrite the sentences using short words, you need to identify any long words or phrases and replace them with shorter alternatives without changing the meaning. Here are the sentences rewritten using shorter words:

- Pay attention to punctuation marks. Write the sentences using short words.
- After reading the passage, mark the appropriate punctuation marks. Then write them again.
- After reading the passage, answer the question using short words.

2. To mark appropriate punctuation marks in the given passage, you need to identify the places where punctuation should be inserted. This could include periods, commas, question marks, exclamation marks, etc. Once you've identified the appropriate places, you can mark them accordingly. Here's an example of marking punctuation in a passage:

Original Passage:
"The cat is sleeping on the mat It looks very comfortable Is it dreaming of catching mice"

Marked Passage:
"The cat is sleeping on the mat. It looks very comfortable. Is it dreaming of catching mice?"

3. To answer the question using short words after reading the passage, you need to understand the content of the passage and provide a concise response using shorter words or phrases. For example:

Question: What is the cat doing on the mat?

Answer using short words: The cat is sleeping on the mat.