show 3 ways to estimate 3/5 x 9 1/2 identify each method you use?

I am lost!!!!

1. Half of 10 = ?

2. 9/3 = 3 + half of 3 = ?

3. 0.6 * 10 = ?

half of 10 is 5?

half of 3 is 1
0.6 x 10 = 60?

I really am confused!!!

You probably need to sit down with your teacher and have him/her explain fractions in person.

ok thank you for trying to help me

Compatible numbers, bench mark fractions, round

No problem! I can help you with that.

To estimate the product of 3/5 and 9 1/2, we can use different methods. Here are three ways to estimate the result:

1. Multiplication by Whole Numbers:
One way is to convert the mixed number into an improper fraction and then multiply it by a whole number. In this case, we can convert 9 1/2 to an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number (9) by the denominator (2) and adding the numerator (1). This gives us 19/2. Then, we can multiply 3/5 by 19/2 to get an estimate of the product.

2. Rounding:
Another method is to round the numbers to make the calculation simpler. We can round 3/5 to 1/2 and 9 1/2 to 10. Then, we can multiply 1/2 by 10 to estimate the product.

3. Mental Calculation:
Lastly, we can use mental calculation if we are comfortable with it. To estimate the product mentally, we can multiply whole numbers first and then adjust the result accordingly. For example, we can multiply 3 by 9 to get 27 and then adjust for the fractions by considering their value. This method requires some estimation skills.

These three methods can give us different estimates, but they all provide a way to approximate the product of 3/5 and 9 1/2.