on map 1inch=25 miles.you measure the distance between two cities on the map and the distance to be 5 1/2 inches.find the number of miles between the cities

what is 5.5 x 25 ?

To find the number of miles between the cities, we need to use the scale of the map. The given scale is 1 inch = 25 miles.

First, we convert the distance on the map to inches:
Distance on map = 5 1/2 inches

Next, we multiply the distance on the map in inches by the scale factor to find the distance in miles:
Distance in miles = Distance on map * Scale factor

Distance in miles = 5 1/2 * 25
Distance in miles = 137.5 miles

Therefore, the number of miles between the two cities is 137.5 miles.

To find the number of miles between the cities, we need to convert the distance on the map from inches to miles. We are given that 1 inch on the map represents 25 miles.

We can set up a proportion to solve for the number of miles:

1 inch on map / 25 miles = 5 1/2 inches on map / x miles

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and solve the equation:

(1 inch on map) * (x miles) = (5 1/2 inches on map) * (25 miles)

x = (5 1/2 inches on map) * (25 miles) / (1 inch on map)

Now, let's calculate the number of miles between the cities:

x = (11/2 inches) * (25 miles) / (1 inch)
x = (11/2) * 25
x = 11 * 25 / 2
x = 275 / 2
x = 137.5

Therefore, the number of miles between the cities is 137.5 miles.