Who was the founder of the Psychoanalytic paradigm? Freud or Kraepelin?


So, it was Freud? There was a controversial debate who was the founder of the psychoanalytica paradigm the between Freud and Kraepelin.So, I am not really sure.

It was definitely Freud.

Thank you, Ms. Sue.

You're welcome, Amy.

The founder of the Psychoanalytic paradigm was Sigmund Freud, not Emil Kraepelin. To determine this answer, you can familiarize yourself with the history of psychoanalysis and the key figures involved in its development.

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the pioneer of psychoanalysis. He developed a comprehensive theory of the human mind and behavior, emphasizing the role of the unconscious and the significance of childhood experiences. Freud's ideas have had a profound influence on psychology and continue to be widely studied and discussed today.

On the other hand, Emil Kraepelin was a German psychiatrist who is known for his work in developing the modern classification system for psychiatric disorders. While Kraepelin made important contributions to psychiatry, he is not the founder of the Psychoanalytic paradigm.

Therefore, based on the historical evidence and contributions to the field, the founder of the Psychoanalytic paradigm is Sigmund Freud.