Write a number sentence. Marshall sleeps 8 hours each day. How manu hours does Marshall sleep in one week? How many hours is Marshall awake each day?

8 hours times 7 days in a week. Is how long he sleeps

24 hours times 7 days = is the number of hours in a week.

subtract the sleep time from the total to get hours awake.

How many hours is Marshall awake each day?

To calculate the number of hours Marshall sleeps in one week, we can multiply the number of hours he sleeps each day (8 hours) by the number of days in a week (7 days).

So, the number of hours Marshall sleeps in one week can be represented as 8 hours/day * 7 days/week = 56 hours/week.

To calculate the number of hours Marshall is awake each day, we need to subtract the number of hours he sleeps each day from the total number of hours in a day (24 hours).

So, the number of hours Marshall is awake each day can be represented as 24 hours/day - 8 hours/day = 16 hours/day.

Therefore, the number sentence that represents Marshall's sleeping and waking hours is:
Marshall sleeps 8 hours/day * 7 days/week = 56 hours/week.
Marshall is awake 24 hours/day - 8 hours/day = 16 hours/day.