Which of the following sentences from the article is an example of hyperbole?

Here are the examples...
A. Ivory-billed woodpeckers still graced the planet.
B.According to experts, they need large areas of old-growth forest, including many big, dead trees, in order to survive.way
C.Then a crow-sized woodpecker flew across the river and got lost among the tall trees.
D.The people who live near the ivory-bills, on the other hand, could have knocked the hats off the scientists.
I think it is A or D...both show hyperbole in a way? thanks

What has been exaggerated in A?

I thought "graced"...or my brother did...I thought "could have knocked the hats of the scientists sounded more crrect??? yes?

Yes. D shows hyperbole.

Remember that hyperbole is gross exaggeration.

Thank you Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Cassie.

Yes, both options A and D demonstrate elements of hyperbole in their respective sentences. Hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves exaggerated or extravagant claims or statements that are not meant to be taken literally.

Option A, "Ivory-billed woodpeckers still graced the planet," uses hyperbole by suggesting that the presence of the ivory-billed woodpeckers is something grand or magnificent, emphasizing their significance or rarity.

Option D, "The people who live near the ivory-bills, on the other hand, could have knocked the hats off the scientists," also employs hyperbole by stating that the local residents have the ability to knock the hats off the scientists. This exaggeration is meant to emphasize the disbelief or skepticism of the people towards the scientists.

Therefore, you are correct in identifying both options A and D as examples of hyperbole in the given list of sentences.