3 classmate share 5 sandwich

5/3 = 1 2/3

To divide 5 sandwiches among 3 classmates, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by dividing the sandwiches equally among the classmates. Give each classmate 5/3 sandwiches.
- Classmate 1: Receive (5/3) sandwiches
- Classmate 2: Receive (5/3) sandwiches
- Classmate 3: Receive (5/3) sandwiches

Step 2: Since it is not possible to divide a sandwich into fractions, you will need to redistribute the remaining sandwiches.

Step 3: Determine how many whole sandwiches are left. There will be a remainder of 2 sandwiches (5 - (2 * (5/3)) = 5 - (10/3) = 5 - 3 1/3 = 1 2/3).
- You have 2 whole sandwiches left.

Step 4: Distribute the remaining sandwiches among the classmates. Give the remaining sandwiches to classmate 1 and classmate 2, as classmate 3 was the last to receive a sandwich.
- Classmate 1: Additional 1 whole sandwich
- Classmate 2: Additional 1 whole sandwich
- Classmate 3: Still has (5/3) sandwiches

Final distribution:
- Classmate 1: Receives (5/3) + 1 = (8/3) sandwiches
- Classmate 2: Receives (5/3) + 1 = (8/3) sandwiches
- Classmate 3: Receives (5/3) sandwiches

Note: The distribution may not be exactly equal since you can't divide a sandwich into fractions, but this method ensures a fair and equitable distribution as much as possible.

To solve this problem, we need to determine how many sandwiches each classmate will get.

First, we can calculate how many sandwiches each student will receive by dividing the total number of sandwiches by the number of classmates. In this case, we have 5 sandwiches and 3 classmates:

5 sandwiches ÷ 3 classmates = 1.67 sandwiches per classmate (rounded to two decimal places)

Since we can't give a fractional or decimal part of a sandwich, we need to adjust the distribution.

One approach is to give each classmate one sandwich each, leaving us with 2 sandwiches remaining. In this case, each classmate would receive 1 sandwich and there would be 2 leftovers.

If we want to distribute the 2 remaining sandwiches among the 3 classmates, we have a couple of options. We can either give each classmate an additional 0.67 (= 2/3) of a sandwich, or we can give two classmates an extra sandwich each while the remaining classmate receives nothing extra.

Therefore, depending on the distribution method chosen, the possible combinations could be:
1. Distribute 1 sandwich to each classmate, with 2 sandwiches leftover.
2. Distribute 1 sandwich to each classmate, with 1 sandwich leftover if no further distribution is possible.
3. Distribute 1 sandwich to each classmate, and then distribute the remaining 2 sandwiches as 0.67 (rounded) each, resulting in one classmate having 1 sandwich and the other two having 1.67 (rounded) sandwiches each.

Please note that the distribution may vary depending on the constraints or preferences given in the question.