what according to the basic condition of employment Act applies with regard to the contravetion tha i identified?

Which contravention did you identify?

Working almost 50 hours per week.working when she was ill.dismissed after getting pregnant.working on holidays without extra remuneration.defused some days off

What i can say is that hiv

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) is a South African labor law that provides employees with various rights and protections. In order to determine what applies to the contravention you identified, you need to consult the BCEA itself.

Here's how you can do that:

1. Access the BCEA: The BCEA is a legal document that can be found on the official website of the South African Department of Employment and Labour.

2. Familiarize yourself with the Act: Start by reading the relevant sections of the BCEA. Pay particular attention to the provisions that relate to the contravention you identified.

3. Interpretation of the Act: The BCEA can be quite complex, so it may be helpful to consult legal resources or seek professional advice to ensure an accurate interpretation of the Act's provisions.

4. Identify the specific contravention: Pinpoint the exact contravention you identified and compare it with the requirements and protections outlined in the BCEA.

5. Determine the consequences: Once you have identified the contravention and its corresponding provision in the BCEA, you can understand the consequences that apply. The Act sets out various penalties and remedies for contraventions, which can include fines, compensation, and other corrective measures.

Remember, it's always important to consult an employment lawyer or seek legal advice if you have questions or concerns about labor laws and regulations.