Sally has 6 more than three times the number of shoes Sandra has. If, (s) is the amount of shoes Sandra owns,which expression show the amount of Sally's shoes.

A. 3+6s
B 3s-6
C. 6-3s
D. 6+3s

I'll be glad to check your answer.


Yes. D is correct.

To determine the expression that represents the number of shoes Sally owns, we need to analyze the given information.

The statement states that Sally has 6 more than three times the number of shoes Sandra has. Let's express this mathematically:

Let 's' represent the number of shoes Sandra owns.
Then, three times the number of shoes Sandra has is 3s.

Now, adding 6 to three times the number of shoes Sandra has gives us the expression for the number of shoes Sally owns:

3s + 6

Therefore, the correct expression that represents the number of shoes Sally owns is A. 3+6s.