a woman had 400 oranges in a basket. after selling 1/5 of them, she found that 1/8 of the remainder were bad. how many of the remainder were good?

You multiply 400 × 1/5 which gives you 80 you subtract 400-80 which gives you 320. You then multiply 320 × 1/8 which gives you 40 bad ones, you subtract 320- 40 and it gives you 280 good ones.

after selling 1/5, she had 320

1/8 of 320 = 40 were bad, so
280 were good

i need help as to how to work out the problem,

To determine how many of the remaining oranges were good, we first need to calculate the number of oranges after selling 1/5 of them.

Step 1: Calculate the number of oranges sold
One-fifth of the oranges were sold, so we can find the number of oranges sold by taking 1/5 of the total.

1/5 * 400 = 80

Step 2: Calculate the number of remaining oranges
After selling 80 oranges, we subtract that number from the total.

400 - 80 = 320

Now, we know that there are 320 oranges remaining.

Step 3: Calculate the number of bad oranges
Next, we need to determine the number of bad oranges, which accounts for 1/8 of the remaining oranges.

1/8 * 320 = 40

Step 4: Calculate the number of good oranges
To find the number of good oranges, we subtract the number of bad oranges from the total remaining.

320 - 40 = 280

Therefore, there were 280 good oranges left in the basket.