Two trains A and B 50kms apart are approaching each other at 30km/hr and 20km/hr respectively. A bee travelling at 80km/hr continually hovers betweenthe two trains. How many km will d bee cover before d two trains collide?

Please this question is very urgent. Help me please

To find the distance the bee will cover before the two trains collide, we need to determine the time it takes for the two trains to reach each other.

Train A is traveling at a speed of 30 km/hr, and Train B is traveling at a speed of 20 km/hr. Their combined speed is (30 + 20) km/hr = 50 km/hr.

Since the trains are 50 km apart, and they are moving towards each other at a combined speed of 50 km/hr, it will take them (Distance/Speed) = (50 km/50 km/hr) = 1 hour to collide.

Now that we know the time it takes for the trains to collide is 1 hour, we can calculate the distance the bee will cover in that time.

The bee is flying at a speed of 80 km/hr, and it will be traveling for 1 hour. Therefore, the distance the bee will cover is:
Distance = Speed * Time = 80 km/hr * 1 hr = 80 km.

So, the bee will cover 80 km before the two trains collide.