
This poem is by Diana Chang
and i reallly really have no idea what she is talking about.

Im suppose to TPCASTT it

paraphase, connotation, The attitude of the poem, and the shift , the theme, and the meaning of the title. please pleaseee help me!!!

Most Satisfied by Snow

Against my windows,
fog knows
what to do, too

Spaces pervade
us, as well

But occupied by snow,
I see


I, too,


I'll be back in a while, but for now, use this to give it a try:


Turn your imagination loose, and don't try to read anything into it! There is no story here, but there are images created and the poet's reaction to the images and to reality.

To TPCASTT the poem "Most Satisfied by Snow" by Diana Chang, here is a step-by-step analysis:

1. Title: "Most Satisfied by Snow"
The meaning of the title could suggest a sense of contentment or fulfillment in the presence of snow. The title may also imply that snow holds significance or brings satisfaction in some way.

2. Paraphrase:
In this poem, the speaker describes the view outside their windows, where fog knows what to do. Although spaces surround them, they are filled by snow. The speaker acknowledges that matter is important and emphasizes their own growth and blooming.

3. Connotation:
The poem explores the connotation of snow, which can symbolize purity, tranquility, and transformation. The fog and spaces could suggest uncertainty or ambiguity. The mention of flowering may signify personal growth or blossoming.

4. Attitude:
The attitude conveyed in the poem appears to be one of observation and contemplation. The speaker is attentive to the natural elements and reflects on their significance in relation to their own existence.

5. Shift:
There is a shift in the poem when the speaker transitions from describing the snow's presence to emphasizing the importance of matter. The focus then shifts to the speaker's own growth and flowering, indicating a shift from external observations to self-reflection.

6. Theme:
The theme of the poem could be the significance of nature and its ability to bring satisfaction or contentment. It also explores the idea of personal growth and the importance of matter or substance in life.

7. Title Meaning:
The title "Most Satisfied by Snow" could suggest that the speaker finds the most satisfaction or fulfillment in the presence of snow. It highlights the significance of snow as a symbol or catalyst for contentment or happiness.

Remember, poetry is subjective, and different readers may interpret the poem in various ways. This analysis provides one possible perspective on the poem "Most Satisfied by Snow" by Diana Chang.

To understand the poem by Diana Chang, you can use the TPCASTT method, which stands for Title, Paraphrase, Connotation, Attitude, Shift, Theme, and Title again. Let's go through each step:

1. Title: The title of the poem is "Most Satisfied by Snow." Consider what this title might mean and how it relates to the rest of the poem.

2. Paraphrase: Read the poem and summarize it in your own words. Based on the poem, it seems to be talking about the observations and thoughts of the speaker as they look through their window at the snow. The fog outside the window seems to know what to do, just like the snow. The speaker also mentions the significance of spaces and how they are filled with snow. Finally, the poem suggests that "Matter matters" and the speaker also feels a sense of growth or flowering within themselves.

3. Connotation: Consider the deeper meanings and associations of the words used in the poem. Pay attention to any symbolism or metaphors. For example, snow can be associated with purity, tranquility, or a blank canvas that allows for new possibilities. Fog might symbolize confusion or uncertainty. Consider the connotations of other words in the poem as well.

4. Attitude: Consider the attitude or tone of the poem. How does the speaker feel about their observations and thoughts? Are they positive, negative, or neutral? Try to identify any emotions or moods conveyed in the poem.

5. Shift: Look for any shifts or changes in the tone, setting, or perspective in the poem. Note any moments where the poem takes a different direction or introduces new ideas.

6. Theme: Identify the central theme or main idea of the poem. What is the overall message or underlying concept that the poet is exploring? Think about how all the elements of the poem contribute to this theme.

7. Title (again): Revisit the title and consider whether its meaning has changed or become clearer after going through the other steps of TPCASTT.

By following this process, you should be able to analyze the poem more effectively and gain a deeper understanding of Diana Chang's intentions and meanings in "Most Satisfied by Snow."