An object that weighs 10 ib on earthwould weigh only 4 ib on mars. If you weigh 95il on earth, how much would you weigh on mars?

To find out how much you would weigh on Mars, given that you weigh 95 lbs on Earth, we can create a ratio using the information provided.

The ratio of the weight on Earth to the weight on Mars is 10 lbs to 4 lbs.

Let's set up a proportion using this ratio:

10 lbs (Earth) / 4 lbs (Mars) = 95 lbs (Earth) / x lbs (Mars)

Now let's solve for x, which will represent your weight on Mars:

10/4 = 95/x

To isolate x, we can cross-multiply:

10x = 4 * 95

10x = 380

Divide both sides of the equation by 10:

x = 380/10

x = 38

Therefore, you would weigh 38 lbs on Mars if you weigh 95 lbs on Earth.

The ratio (earth weight)/(Mars weight) stays the same.

Solve this equation:
10/4 = 95/x

x = (4/10) * 95

x = ?