26.The oil industry in Mexico is owned by the

People or GOvernment

27.Many production companies have built facilities in Latin America because of
Cheap labor or no taxes
no taxes?

28.Who was the first president in 70 years that was not a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party?
Carlos Gortari or Vicente Fox
Vicente Fox?

29.The oil industry in Mexico is run by

30.MExico is on which continent
North or south america

31.Who became the leader of Cuba in 1959
Benito Juarez or Fidel Castro

I don't know about 27, but the rest are right.

27. cheap labor

The answers to the test is

those are all i know

To answer question 26, the oil industry in Mexico is owned by the government. You can find this information by researching the ownership structure of the oil industry in Mexico.

Regarding question 27, many production companies have built facilities in Latin America due to no taxes. To confirm this, you can study the reasons why companies choose to establish facilities in Latin America.

For question 28, the first president in 70 years who was not a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) was Vicente Fox. To find this answer, you can search for the history of Mexican presidents and their political affiliations.

Concerning question 29, the oil industry in Mexico is run by PEMEX. You can verify this by researching the entity responsible for managing and operating the oil industry in Mexico.

Regarding question 30, Mexico is located in the North American continent. This can be confirmed by referring to geographical maps and studying the continents.

Lastly, Fidel Castro became the leader of Cuba in 1959. This information can be found by researching the history of Cuba and its leaders during that time period.