x to the - power

x to the fraction power
x to the -fraction power

how are they different?


21/2= sqrt 2 = 1.414


math is really u no

what is the historical facts on exponets

Exponents are a fundamental concept in mathematics that have been used for centuries. Here are some historical facts about exponents:

1. Ancient Babylonians: The ancient Babylonians, who lived around 1800 BCE, were among the first civilizations known to use exponents. They used exponents in their sexagesimal (base-60) number system.

2. Ancient Greeks: The ancient Greeks, particularly mathematicians like Euclid and Archimedes, made important contributions to the understanding of exponents. They developed the concept of squares and cubes, which are essentially exponents of 2 and 3, respectively.

3. Hindu-Arabic numeral system: The Hindu-Arabic numeral system, which is widely used today, introduced positional notation and the use of zero as a placeholder. This system allowed for more efficient representation of numbers, making it easier to work with exponents.

4. Isaac Newton: In the 17th century, Isaac Newton made significant discoveries in calculus, including the development of series expansions. These expansions involved the use of infinite sums involving exponents and laid the foundation for many mathematical concepts.

5. Leonhard Euler: During the 18th century, the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler made numerous contributions to the study of exponents and their properties. His work on exponential functions, including the famous Euler's formula, helped unify various mathematical disciplines.

Exponents have a rich history and continue to be a fundamental tool in various branches of mathematics, physics, and beyond. They provide a concise and powerful way to represent and manipulate quantities that grow or shrink exponentially.