Freud's techniques and assumptions are most evident in today's

A) cognitive therapies.
B) behavior therapies.
C) biomedical therapies.
D) psychodynamic therapies.
Just as Chinh began telling his therapist about a painful childhood experience, he complained of a headache and ended the session. A psychoanalyst would most likely suggest that Chinh's behavior is an example of
A) transference.
B) tardive dyskinesia.
C) resistance.
D) counterconditioning.
A psychodynamic therapist is most likely to
A) suggest interpretive insights regarding patients' difficulties.
B) recommend the use of antipsychotic drugs during the process of psychotherapy.
C) encourage depressed patients to take more responsibility for their failures.
D) help patients identify a hierarchy of anxiety-arousing situations.
To a psychoanalyst, a patient's hesitation to free-associate is most likely a sign of
A) spontaneous recovery.
B) resistance.
C) transference.
D) the placebo effect.
Which of the following techniques is derived from classical conditioning principles?
A) systematic desensitization
C) the token economy
D) unconditional positive regard
Schizophrenia is a disorder that is MOST likely to be treated with
A) cognitive therapies.
B) psychoanalysis.
C) behavior therapies.
D) biomedical therapies.
O. H. Mowrer trained children to stop bed-wetting by arranging for an alarm to sound each time they wet their beds. This technique best illustrates a therapeutic application of
A) classical conditioning.
B) the placebo effect.
C) systematic desensitization.
D) cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Which of the following is considered to be the most nondirective form of therapy?
A) cognitive therapy
B) client-centered therapy
C) psychoanalysis
D) systematic desensitization
Instead of focusing on the cure of psychological disorders, ________ therapies seek to promote personal growth and self-fulfillment.
A) behavior
B) biomedical
C) humanistic
D) psychodynamic
Sheena's therapist tells her to relax, close her eyes, and state aloud whatever comes to mind no matter how trivial or absurd it seems. The therapist is using a technique that is central to
A) cognitive therapy.
B) systematic desensitization.
C) psychoanalysis.
D) client-centered therapy.
The interpretation of dreams is most closely associated with
A) client-centered therapy.
B) systematic desensitization.
C) psychoanalysis.
D) cognitive therapy.
As a therapist, Dr. Cioffi often uses systematic desensitization. She also makes use of active listening and free association. Dr. Cioffi's therapeutic approach would best be described as
A) psychoanalytic.
B) client-centered.
C) behavioral.
D) eclectic.
Which of the following therapists introduced the use of free association?
A) Carl Rogers
B) Sigmund Freud
C) Mary Cover Jones
D) Aaron Beck
Counterconditioning techniques were derived from principles first developed by
A) Ivan Pavlov.
B) B.F. Skinner.
C) Carl Rogers.
D) Sigmund Freud.
Which of the following therapies is more concerned with removing specific troubling symptoms than with providing special insights into the personality of the client?
A) client-centered therapy
B) behavior therapy
C) psychoanalysis
D) cognitive therapy
Psychoanalytic techniques are designed primarily to help patients
A) focus on their immediate conscious feelings.
B) become aware of their repressed conflicts and impulses.
C) feel more trusting toward others.
D) develop greater self-esteem.
Sigmund Freud introduced a form of psychotherapy known as
A) counterconditioning.
B) active listening.
C) psychoanalysis.
D) cognitive therapy.
Systematic desensitization is a form of
A) humanistic therapy.
B) biomedical therapy.
C) exposure therapies.
D) cognitive therapy.
The expression toward a therapist of feelings linked with earlier relationships is known as
A) resistance.
B) unconditional positive regard.
C) transference.
D) free association.

1. A

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1. Freud's techniques and assumptions are most evident in today's D) psychodynamic therapies. To answer this question, you can eliminate the other options by knowing that Freudian techniques, such as free association, interpretation of dreams, and exploration of unconscious thoughts and desires, are primarily used in psychodynamic therapies.

2. Chinh's behavior of complaining of a headache and ending the therapy session when discussing a painful childhood experience is most likely an example of C) resistance. This is a concept introduced by Freud, suggesting that patients may subconsciously resist or avoid discussing certain thoughts or experiences because they are uncomfortable or cause anxiety.

3. A psychodynamic therapist is most likely to A) suggest interpretive insights regarding patients' difficulties. Psychodynamic therapy involves analyzing and interpreting unconscious thoughts and feelings to gain insight into the patient's difficulties.

4. To a psychoanalyst, a patient's hesitation to free-associate is most likely a sign of B) resistance. The patient's hesitation to freely express thoughts or associations is seen as a form of defense mechanism, resisting or avoiding the exploration of potentially difficult or repressed material.

5. Systematic desensitization, which is a technique derived from classical conditioning principles, is A) the correct answer.

6. Schizophrenia is a disorder that is MOST likely to be treated with D) biomedical therapies. While different treatment approaches can be used for schizophrenia, such as antipsychotic medications and cognitive therapies, biomedical therapies, such as medication management, are often the primary treatment choice for this disorder.

7. The technique used by O.H. Mowrer to train children to stop bed-wetting by arranging for an alarm to sound each time they wet their beds best illustrates therapeutic application of A) classical conditioning. In this technique, the alarm serves as the conditioned stimulus, which becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus (bed-wetting) to elicit a conditioned response (waking up and stopping bed-wetting).

8. The most nondirective form of therapy is B) client-centered therapy. In client-centered therapy, the therapist provides a supportive and nonjudgmental environment while allowing the client to guide the therapeutic process.

9. Instead of focusing on the cure of psychological disorders, C) humanistic therapies seek to promote personal growth and self-fulfillment.

10. The technique used by Sheena's therapist, where she relaxes, closes her eyes, and states aloud whatever comes to mind, is central to C) psychoanalysis. This technique is called free association and is commonly used in psychoanalysis to explore the unconscious thoughts and associations of the patient.

11. The interpretation of dreams is most closely associated with C) psychoanalysis. Freud believed that dreams contained symbolic meanings that could offer insights into the unconscious thoughts and desires of individuals.

12. Dr. Cioffi's therapeutic approach, which includes systematic desensitization, active listening, and free association, can be described as D) eclectic. Eclectic therapy refers to a therapeutic approach that combines techniques from different therapeutic orientations based on the individual needs of the client.

13. The therapist who introduced the use of free association is B) Sigmund Freud. Free association is a key technique in psychoanalysis, where the patient is encouraged to express any thoughts or associations that come to mind without censorship or judgment.

14. Counterconditioning techniques were derived from principles first developed by A) Ivan Pavlov. Counterconditioning techniques, such as systematic desensitization and aversive conditioning, are based on classical conditioning principles, which were initially discovered by Ivan Pavlov.

15. Behavior therapy is more concerned with removing specific troubling symptoms rather than providing special insights into the personality of the client. Therefore, the answer is B) behavior therapy.

16. Psychoanalytic techniques are designed primarily to help patients B) become aware of their repressed conflicts and impulses. Freud believed that repressed conflicts and impulses in the unconscious mind contribute to psychological difficulties, and psychoanalytic techniques aim to bring these repressed elements into conscious awareness.

17. Sigmund Freud introduced a form of psychotherapy known as C) psychoanalysis. Freud developed the psychoanalytic approach, which focuses on unconscious processes, childhood experiences, and the exploration of repressed thoughts and desires.

18. Systematic desensitization is a form of C) exposure therapy. Systematic desensitization involves gradually exposing the individual to feared situations or stimuli while pairing them with relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety and fear.

19. The expression of feelings linked with earlier relationships towards a therapist is known as C) transference. This is a concept introduced by Freud, suggesting that patients may transfer feelings and emotions from past relationships onto the therapist in the therapeutic relationship.
